I enjoy this story very much. Three questions is a beautiful story and enlightening at the
same time. An emperor philosophically existentialistic would greatly reward
whoever could best answer his three a la riddle questions: What is the best time to do
each thing? What are the most important people to work with? What is the most
important to do at all times? He rewards anyone who can answer his question, many
have tried, but he is unsatisfied with the answers. The emperor turned into a hermit
living in a far forest. As the emperor only saw the small forest of the forest, he ended up
realizing the answers based on his experience with the said hermit and a persecutor.
The emperor learned that: It is important to live in the present time, with whom the
people you are, and how to make them happy.
I like the ending of the story. It really tells the power of now. Sometimes we forget the
most important thing in our life is the present. Many times people look forward to the
future. We dream of it, plan on it and hope for it. But while we daydream about the
future, it's still a future that hasn't arrived yet. The only time we can do anything or
changes anything is in the present. Not only that, life works out better if you pay
attention to who you are with and know what you are doing at any given moment is the
most important thing to do right then.
I found a fascinating quote while doing this review.
Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, and today is a gift—-that is why they call
it present.